Time for Acrylic Nails

Do you know what is that first thing someone would notice in you is? Yeah, you got that right; its face and the overall appearance. But do you know what is that second thing someone would notice in you is? Don’t know? It’s the movement of your hands while you talk with somebody. This has been proved in a research conducted to find out what are the first five elements you notice when you meet someone. When I first read this research, I found it very strange and also true because hands are something that we do notice but the funny part is that we don’t realize it or in other words we all notice each others’ hands unintentionally.May be this is the reason why we also forget to care about our own hands at time. Assuming that who will use a magnifying glass to make a critical analysis of our hands,...


fall 2011 nail colorsmoke and mirrors...beautiful illusionsZoya Nail Polish presents 12 enticing and mysterious new colors for fall 2011.Zoya Smoke CollectionJana (ZP564) - smoky mauve quartz creamPetra (ZP565) - smoky eggplant mauve creamCodie (ZP566) - smoky brown taupe creamAnja (ZP567) - smoky palatinate purple creamCynthia (ZP568) - smoky Prussian blue creamDree (ZP569) - smoky camouflage green creamZoya Mirrors CollectionNimue (ZP570) - smoky rich thistle metallicMarina (ZP571) - smoky steel blue metallicTao (ZP572) - smoky slate gray metallicYara (ZP573) - sparkly olive green metallicNeeka (ZP574) - sparkly amethyst purple metallicJem (ZP575) - sparkly fandango pink metallicZoya is the...