I also have 2 Melmers that are 3 drawers each. I stacked them to look like a Helmer and they are full. Melmer is not the correct name for them, it's the name the nailboard call them since it's not a Helmer from Ikea. Melmers are from Michael's Craft Store. (I really don't know the correct name for them. ) I was thinking about buying more Melmers, but don't want to buy 10 of them. Lol! Most of the ladies on Makeupally/nailboard have Helmers. For some reason they just don't appeal to me maybe because it's metal and looks like an old file cabinet.
Edit: Here is blogger AllThingsNails picture of the Melmer located on the right side: The correct name is Jetmax...click here
A nailboarder VVV showed her pictures of the Alex from Ikea. (Thanks VVV) She showed side by side pictures of the Helmer and the Alex.( Her post is here.) I was sold on the Alex because it's tall and holds way more polish then the Melmer and Helmer . I told my daughter-in-law about the Alex and she had my son go and get her one. She called me over to her house and when I stepped in the room I screamed, literally! Lol! So, I must get one, or two maybe three :D It's really sturdy just like a nice piece of furniture. I don't think it's real wood but it's solid.
Yesterday, nailboarder KonadTheBarbarian was making buttons for Team Helmer, so I asked for Team Alex! Lol! Here is my button. It's now at the bottom of my right side bar. Thanks Ktb :D
How do you store your nail polish stash, Plastic Shoe boxes, Plastic Sterlites, Melmers, Helmers or the Alex? Please share.
Until next time please have a great nail polish day. (✿◠‿◠)