The Longest Nails Owners

Chayllala Sridhara, a resident of India, has the total length of nails of 6 meters 15 centimeters, making it into the Guinness Book of World Records. Sridhara has long nails only on his left hand, on the right one they are usual. The desire to grow his fingernails came to Sridhara at a young age - he wanted to do something that will surprise everyone (and he succeeded).Once, after reading about a Chinese guy with long nails, he thought that "… could do that too and get into the record book." Growing such long fingernails is no easy task. He said: "Over the past 48 years my nails brought me a lot of inconvenience. It is difficult to sleep, and I had to do everything with the right arm. I had to walk, write, ride a bicycle, but I achieved what I wanted. "But, if Sridhara has long nails only...