Why Do Nails Get "Sick"

Nails are composed of several layers of dead cells, which themselves do not get sick. But the substances that contact with the nails (often cosmetic, destined to improve the nails), may irritate the tissue surrounding a nail, which leads to a deterioration of their appearance. Moreover, poor general health, as well as some bad habits such as smoking, can cause discoloration of the nail, splitting nails and many other problems. How does the overall state of health affect our nails Many serious diseases can be diagnosed by analyzing the nails. Very pale nail is often a sign of anemia, while the bluish nail shows cardiovascular system illness or the lungs'. In these cases, the body is...




You have to click directly on this picture to get a better view of these nails acrylic. The base acrylic that I used on these nails acrylic is called black and white ball from sparklesnailproducts.com. These are my sister in laws nails acrylic. She is 9 mos. pregnant. She isn't finding out if it's a boy or a girl until the baby is born. So that is the story behind the one pink flower and one blue flower nail. Once she has the baby we can just change one of the nails acrylic! hahaThese nails acrylic were a complete accident. We were going for something completely different and they just ended up like this. This is a perfect example of what happens when you have a crazy nail tech and a crazy client...


Super cute toes and the picture actually turned out pretty good! Finally, it is soooo hard for me to take a good picture of toes. This is a glitter fade with glitter from Young nails acrylic in shock, pinkie, and sunshine. I painted tiger stripes on the top. Love these toes!These are all colors from young nails acrylic that I marbled together and then I faded young nails acrylic hologram up into them.This is gel polish. Happy Birthday Hann...


Click directly on this picture to get a better view. There are hollow dots so you can actually see through the nails acrylic. All of these colors are from the Young nails acrylic neon collection. I painted the white circles with a nail art pen.This is glitter that I purchased from dollar nail art. I mixed the glitter with clear acrylic to make it super easy to apply. The purple background color is lava lamp art glitter. The ring fingers have 3d stars and the green acrylic is art glitter in fishnet.On these nails acrylic I painted an abstract design on the black. Scroll to the bottom of this post to view the matching toes I did with these.I have done a lot of flags this July. They are each a...


This is a custom mix of all different glitters that I had. I also put a glitter on the nail beds. As you can tell I am having a lot of fun doing flags on nails acrylic. It's just too cute not to. I can't help myself!I made this flag using acrylic and painting the white stripes on. The stars I purchased from dollar nail art and mixed them with clear acrylic. You can't go wrong with fimo clay dots. They are from oaktreedollshouseminiatures.comI always love to mix it up by doing the ring finger just a little different. It's unexpected fun!This is a marbling technique that I learned at a young nails acrylic class. This is acrylic. All of the colors are from young nails acrylic. I painted the silver...