SPA - Manicure

For those who do not want their hands to show their age, it suits perfectly to use preparations containing dissolved keramides. They not only abate the skin, but also help to restore the elasticity, moisturize and rejuvenate it, and also performs a soft and effective peeling. The procedure is as pleasant as it is useful: all kinds of aromatic additives transforms it in an aromatherapy session, which is always good for the overall state of health. At the ending of the SPA-manicure process, a relaxing massage of hands is done - it will help to discard the fatigue and stress, as well as lift the mood.The of implementation of SPA - manicure 1. Remove the the old varnish from the nails. 2. Using...

Ten Tips For A Long Lasting Manicure

How many times it happened to you... After less than one day from making your manicure (for what you are so proud), you notice the nail polish peeling off. You correct the problem, but it's not for long time - it happens again and again, and at last you have to make it from the beginning. Of course this spoils your mood. Here are some easy tips on how to make your manicure last longer.Keep your nails short. The longer they are , the more exposed to breaking they are, especially when compared to the short nails.Take care of your cuticles. If you cover the skin around the nails with polish, it will dry out and begin to chip unaesthetic, having the risk of little bleedings. Therefore, before...