Several years ago I owned a flower shop. I was the owner for 11 years. During that time I had a staff of five, but I did all phases of the business. When you are the owner, you need to know how to do everything - because at some point you WILL have to do everything.
Within a few months my nails had deteriorated from what were really tough, strong nails, to split and brittle nails. As a florist, my hands were constantly wet. Whether cleaning flowers, designing arrangements, washing floral buckets or just cleaning the shop my hands were in water. I had to resort to having acrylic nails applied to protect my real nails. This, of course, had it's advantages. Not only did my nails look pretty, but I had to get away from my business every 10 days to take care of my brittle nails. And, of course, now I had strong nails. Well actually my nails appeared strong, but they were in actuality deteriorating and turning into even more brittle nails. Partly from the acrylic process, and partly from all the water.
When I sold my shop I removed the acrylic nails and found I had extremely thin nails - very brittle nails. I tried everything. Special nail polish, special nail creams that promised to strengthen my nails. Nothing worked.
Thank God I have a fantastic dermatologist who gave me a 'prescription' to strengthen my nails - and guaranteed it would work. And it did. Within three months I had no more brittle nails. My once split nails were almost back to my original hard-as-nails, strong nails. And they just got stronger as they grew. That took about a year. But now I once again have very strong nails and am able to do gardening without fear of breaking my nails.
Ok - here's the prescription to get rid of those brittle nails and get strong nails.
1. Take off all that nail polish ... and leave it off. The polish remover is a killer for your nails. And the nail polish doesn't allow your nails to breath.
2. Get a bottle of Biotin (also known as Vitamin H or B) - the lowest dose and the smallest quantity. Take one a day until gone (probably 30 days) - and then no more!!!
3. Wear rubber gloves when performing household chores. Try not to have your hands in water too long. Repeated wetting and drying causes nails to dry out, resulting in brittle and split nails.
4. Get some hoof dressing. Yes, for horses hoofs. You will only need a little bit. The brand I use is Hoof-Alive, Non-irritating Natural Hoof Dressing. Believe it or not - this works. Just apply a little bit of it to each nail - rub it in. Morning and night. As nails strengthen - you will be able to just use it nightly. Then just on occasion. It's pretty sticky upon first application, but it works its way into your nails. I used to apply it at night just as I got into bed, and then in the morning just before getting into my car to go to work. By the time I got to work (in 15 - 20 minutes) I no longer had sticky fingers.
If you can't find a store that sells horse or barn yard related products in your area, you can find it at Amazon.com. I guess just about everything can be purchased through them. When I purchased my Hoof Alive in Malibu, California about 10 years ago, the cost was around $10 for a 4 oz jar. That's a lifetime supply. The Amazon cost is around $6, but the shipping is over $7. As I was researching for this article, I found most other online stores are selling Hoof Alive for around $15 plus shipping.
Another tip - not related to strengthening nails. Bag Balm - for cow tits, is also available at the same places as hoof balm. And guess what? Bag Balm is fantastic for your lips. Once again, another tip from my dermatologist. I actually have seen the green tin of Bag Balm in my local drug store chain.
I'm certain that in about a month your brittle nails will be turning into the strong nails you desire if you follow these four steps. Each month you should see marked improvement as your nails strengthen. And then in about four months you will have the strong nails you desire.
Want to have strong nails and get rid of those split, brittle nails ... It Can Be Done.
Article Source: EzineArticles.com;
Post title : How to Get Hard Nails - Turn Split Nails and Brittle Nails Into Strong Nails
URL post : http://acrylic-nails.blogspot.com/2009/11/how-to-get-hard-nails-turn-split-nails.html
URL post : http://acrylic-nails.blogspot.com/2009/11/how-to-get-hard-nails-turn-split-nails.html