Sally Hansen Earthen Opal

Hi everyone! Today I am bringing you the other polish that I won in the Wizards of Bling giveaway that I won a few months ago (back in March I think?). This one is called Earthen Opal, it is a gorgeous rusty red color with a gold shimmer running through it. Like the other polish, it took forever to dry; but this polish was opaque after 2-3 coats. It looks amazing paired with golds. Do you like it t...

China Glaze Pool Party

Hi everyone! Today I am bringing you the swatch of the last neon that I picked up a couple of weeks ago, China Glaze Pool Party. It is a really bright hot pink neon. It acts much like other neons, it is a litle streaky (although this one isn't too bad) and dries pretty quickly. I really love this color on my nails, and I get a lot of compliments when I wear this color. Do you have a favorite bright pi...

No Nails Today, Just an Update

Hey everyone! I'm sorry that I have no nails for you today, I completely ruined them at work yesterday. I was re-organizing a lot of files in hanging folders and it took a huge toll on my nails. 5 of them either really chipped or broke off almost completely. :( So sometime today I will take the painful action of shortening them all, which make me really sad. I also cut my cuticles a lot moving these files (keep in mind I moved thousands of files yesterday, it took me 5 hours to reorganize them all) and got some cuts on my arms. Who knew that moving files could be so hazardous? So yeah, my hands are in really rough shape. I have some backlogged pictures of swatches that I will be sharing, which should give me enough time to get my hands into okay shape again. Sorry about that everyone!In other...

Sally Hansen Rose Gold Opal

Hi everyone! I got this polish a long time ago in a giveaway that I won from The Wizards of Bling. One of the two polishes that I recived was this one, it is a beautiful light baby pink with a gold shimmer running through it. It unfortunelty is sheer and it take forever to dry, but a coat of white and some patience can fix that. It is a really beautiful color that I will probably use for french manicures mostly, especially because it is so sheer. Do any of you own any polishes from the Sally Hansen Opal lin...

Nail Art: Grass in the Shade

Hi everyone! It's a simple nail art that I did, and I love how it turned out! I am thinking of doing variations on the design if you all like it. All I used was Sally Hansen Opulent Cloud and Art Deco Black. I just tried to make as straight of lines as I possibly could, it looks almost oriental to me. What do you all think, do you like it half as much as I ...

China Glaze Kiwi Cool-Ada

Hey everyone! Today I am bringing you another neon, China Glaze Kiwi Cool-Ada. I absolutely love the color but this polish is a little hard to work with frankly. It was a hard color to get even, even for a neon, but it dries surprisingly fast, at least it did on me. I absolutely adore the color though, so I will likely wear it for much of the summer. Do you love the color t...

KOTD: Fiery Fabric

Hey everyone! Today I am bringing you a simple Konad from the s6 plate. I used Sally Hansen Earthen Opal as the base color and China Glaze Twenty-Four K as the stamping color. I love how the colors go together, but maybe this wasn't the best image to use, I accidently got one backwards if you look closely. Do you like these colors together? What do you thi...

China Glaze Flip Flop Fantasy

Edit: I freaking hate blogger! This was scheduled to go up this morning (six hours ago) and it magically switched to draft. *&^#(@#^$*@#&$#^#&*@)@ Back to the regularly scheduled programming.Hi everyone!!! Today I am swatching for you (although I am sure that you have seen more than enough swatches of it) China Glaze Flip Flop Fantasy. It is a gorgeous neon coral-y orange color. It applies much like anyother neon, it is a little streaky but once you get used to applying it you can get it to come out even. I have been loving this color in particular, I don't know why because I don't think that corals really flatter me. What do you think of ...

NOTD: Extreme Pink French

Hey everyone! Today I wanted to share a quick mani that I did last week, which I think turned out kind of cool. I love the soft pink frosty base with the creme hot pink on the tips. I used Sally Hansen Rose Gold Opal as the base color and Art Deco Intense Pink for the tips. I love the bright tips for summer, neons just make me feel happy and sunny. Do you like it or do you think that I should have used a different color as the ba...

Seche Vite Topcoat

Hi everyone! For awhile now people have been asking me what topcoat I like the best. Now I am trying to use up the other topcoats in my collection, but Seche Vite is by far my favorite, and it is a favorite of many. It is the fastest drying topcoat that I have ever used, it dries so shiny and it really protects the polish well. The only thing that I don't like about it is the smell, but it is slight and worth getting over for the benefits of the topcoat. I really only try to use it if I have to do a quick manicure, but it will be the only topcoat out of the 7 or so that I already own that I will repurchase. What is your favorite topco...

Nail Art: Seaweed or Morse Code?

Hi everyone! I was really inspired by a post by The Daily Nail a couple of weeks ago and I wanted to share what I created. I can't decided if it looks like seaweed or morse code.What do you think? I used China Glaze Metallic Muse as the base color and Art Deco Bright Green as the stripes. Please excuse the chipping and horrendous cuticles; it's been a long week. Do you like ...

Essie Wrapped in Rubies

Hi everyone! Today is another backlogged swatch (last one I promise!), this one of Essie Wrapped in Rubies. This is a much deeper and richer color than I could make my camera show. It is a beautiful blend of brown, red and gold. I think that it is kind of a sultry color, I don't know. It is a gorgeous color that I somehow managed to get a mini of, it is a gorgeous color. It applies well in 2-3 coats and dries in an acceptable amount of time. I think that I will likely sport this one more in the winter, especially on my toes. What do you think of ...

KOTD: Lace Flip Flops

Hey everyone! I have been practicing my konading and I am slowly getting back into it and getting better at it. I used China Glaze Flip Flop Fantasy as the base color, Art Deco Black as the stamping color, and a lace stamp off of the m71 plate. I double stamped the image onto my nails because I thought that it looked cool, which it it does. I think that I will be using more of my lace patterns on my plates, they are so pretty. Do you like the design t...

China Glaze Recycle

Hi everyone! Today I am showing you a color that people told me to buy for a long time, China Glaze Recycle. It is a beautiful grey creme polish that I desparately needed in my collection. Isn't it purdy? It applies very evenly but takes a little while to dry. Overall it is good to have a grey like this in your collection in my opinion, it is easy to wear and easy to spice up if you get bored with the color. What is your favorite grey poli...

KOTD: Pool Party Swirls

Hi everyone! Today I am sharing kind of a konad fail, but I loved the concept of it. For some reason I could not get the black to show up as opaque as I wanted it to. This design is really cute though, I will likely be using it again. I used China Glaze Pool Party, Art Deco Black, and the S6 plate. Do you guys like the design? I might try something like this again if you ...

Art Deco: Baby Pink, Bright Green, Green Glitter

Hi everyone! Today I have a batch of Art Decos to show you all. I am not going to bother to review each and every color individually like I normally do because these are very much the same. I love the brushes on these, they are super thin and relatively easy to control. The colors are very opaque and can even be used to Konad. They are fun colors and you will see them a lot in my nail art. Baby Pink has a frosty finish, Bright Green has a creme finish, and Green Glitter is well, glitter. Enjoy the swatches!...

NOTD: Neon Rainbow!

Hey everyone! I have been really loving neons lately so I decided that I wanted to wear a lot of them at once. From thumb to pinky they are (all China Glaze) Pool Party, Flip Flop Fantasy, Kiwi Cool-ada, Blue Sparrow, and Flying Dragon. I have gotten a lot of compliments on this manicure, it is so bright and fun! What do you think? Are you wearing any neons this summ...

Hair Dyed Nail Polish?

Hi everyone! I wanted to make a quick fun post about something I discovered the other day. I only had some week-old nail stregthener on my nails when I decided to dye my hair its trademark red color. When I finished washing the dye out of my hair, I noticed that my nails looked stained! I had forgotten that I had put nail stregthener on my nails and I thought that I had stained the crap out of them. Turns out that my natural nails were fine, but the dye had stained the strengthener. I took this picture in kind of crappy lighting and after a day it had faded significantly, but you can still see it a bit, especially if you look at the cuticle gap. I don't know, I just thought it was something...

China Glaze Matte Magic

Hi everyone! I have had this product for a really long time, but I never did a review on it! So I will do it today. Anyways, this stuff is great! It is pretty much exactly the same as the Essie matte topcoat, only it was cheaper and the packaging in my opinion is cuter, although it doesn't contain as much product. This was discontinued, but if you hunt around I am sure that you may still be able to find it. I stocked up on three bottles of it myself, I never want to run out. Granted the matte trend has long since sailed, but it is still a nice way to spice up a manicure once in awhile. If you participated in the matte trend, what was your favorite matte topcoat or matte poli...

KOTD: Lilypads for Leapfrogs

Hi everyone! I have only recently even begun wearing nail polish again much less using a konad, so I apoplogize that the images aren't perfect and that my cuticles are a hot mess. I used China Glaze Kiwi Cool-ada as the base color, Art Deco Black as the stamping color, and I used an image off of the m66 plate. I really love pairing bright neon colors with black, I think that is looks cute! What do you thi...

China Glaze DV8

Hi everyone! Today I have a backlogged swatch to share of China Glaze DV8. This is such a lovely holographic polish, although it is definitely the least holographic of the three that I own. It is still a gorgeous polish though, I love looking at the rainbows on my nails! I wish that my nails still looked like this though lol. It dries at a normal rate to a nice and shiny finish. This one chips on me a little bit, but it is worth it to have this color on my nails. What blue colored polishes are you all sporting this summ...

Nail Art: Pink Sky and Gold Stars

Hey everyone! Even though the weather here has been kinda crappy in the past week (snow and rain, even though it should be much warmer), I still want to be able to wear my bright colors and glitter, so I did! I used Essie Forget Me Nots and Art Deco Gold Glitter. This is what I ended up coming up with. I did the stripes on the thumb first and then decided that I wanted to do swoops of glitter on the fingers. It looks a little strange, but I guess like it. I haven't done my nails in well over a month, so I need to get used to doing them again. Maybe it's time to break out the Konading kit, because this is a little sad. I know that I can do better than this, but I need to get back into practice...